Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Men at work

We got a note through the door the other day saying that virgin media would be doing work on our line today and that our internet would be disconnected for up to 4 hours. Knowing that I had an assignment to work on that was entirely web based I got up early and prepared to start work so that I could get as much done as possible before I got disconnected.

Tea drank, cereal eaten, emails checked, I was ready to start...

...and so were the workmen.

I glanced out of the window and there they were. Two guys sitting in a hole in the pavement and two guys working in the magical box of telephone wires.

All was not lost though, I got some tidying done and was able to temporarily turn my mobile in to a portable wi-fi hotspot and open up some news articles to read offline whilst the connection was down.

Early this evening The Parents arrived. They're up in Edinburgh to collect some bees tomorrow.

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