Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Queen's View

Today's toilet stop was by far the prettiest of the week. We were advised that we take the 90m wander up the hill to admire the view of Loch Tummel. As we reached the top we found a dozen geologists bent over a rock with their hand lenses out, surely they didn't send us up the hill just to look at that! No, when you turned round and took your eyes off the rock, this is what you saw. Amazing!

Today we were back at Strath Fionan on slightly different exposures. Today was unguided study. Basically we were let loose on the rocks and had to work out what they were and what was happening before the tutors quized us on our understanding, I really hope I passed. We also had our field notebooks marked on the way home. I've still got an assignment to do but hopefully it will all go well.

As most people have a long way to travel, we're allowed to stay until the Satruday morning but given how ill I'm feeling with the cold, I figured I'd stay for dinner and then get the last train back to Edinburgh. I was sad to leave the new friends I'd made but glad to be on my way to my own food and my own bed.

When I got home I found Milo looking more stunning than ever, having shed in the night. It was late and feeding time so I didn't get to play with her, so I'll have to wait until Sunday night to admire her!

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