Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Strath Fionan

today we had the two hour drive to Strath Fionan. On the way I saw the most amazing dragonfly, it was huge. Unfortunately we were literally allowed a ten minute toilet break and my camera was on the bus.

This is the view from the exposure we examined over lunch. We were amazingly lucky to get good weather, it would have been a horrendous day otherwise as the site was so exposed. I only got to see half the exposures at this site as I've been sat on the bus all week in front of a man who has been coughing like mad and I appear to have picked up his cold. By the end of lunch I needed to head back down the hill and have a sleep on the bus. Other highlights of the day were seeing baby frogs by the first exposure. Whilst concentrating on the rocks, we also enjoyed the wildlife.

The evening was labs before the pub quiz. Thankfully I was able to pick up some cold meds at our stop in Aberfeldy.

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