Fear & Loathing

By McDawg


.......not the most interesting blip ever but its been one of those days.
typical holiday weather in fact, dank, dark and dreary. so i ventured out into the garage yet again with a view to take a shot of the windows in there. i have taken snaps of them on various occassions now but i have always found something i like more after that.....and today is no exception.
saw this little fella slowly making his way over the crash mat and then much to my suprise he went completely upside down. now this may be a common sight for the rest of you but i can honestly say that i don't remember seeing a snail crawling along upside down before. this is not particularly exciting news but i did like the way he kept extending his neck (if thats what you call it) to check his route.
i was actually going to go with a water droplet tonight but as my other half pointed out, this one was kinda quirky.....reflects me nicely i think.

been a long time since i had a LOTD so today the one appeals most to me is ASG's simple bath tap.....might not sound it but it's a very cool shot

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