
By Instography

Sunday is

A late start still tired with a slightly dehydrated head. A tiny bit of gardening. Aberdour for a picnic. Hot and sunny for lunch. Hot enough for children in wet suits to swim and adults to roll their shorts a little higher and paddle. Ten second rain shower sends everyone back to towels but when it stops we're back in the water. Then the heavens open. Trees provide some shelter but it's so heavy and prolonged that everyone's soaked. MrCandid would have been happy as a sandboy as two women stripped to their undies for a swim in the rain.

Home to dry off and a cinema - The Tale of Despereaux on the big screen and popcorn. Dinner of G's courgette and walnut pasta (although I put some bacon in it), children's baths, bedtime stories. Now it's Sherlock and commenting.

This is a leaf from the sweetcorn plants that are filling up half of the greenhouse. I really liked the lines of fibres in the leaves and hairs on the edges. Better large probably.

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