With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Turning point

After a few words with my lovely friend orisit and her mum this morning, I realised that a lot of the emotions I have at the moment should really be let go. It's difficult to know what everyone wants and even more difficult to make everyone happy bearing this may be true in some cases at least. I can only do what I can.....

We had a lovely surprise in the plaza, seeing some old friends who left the island a year ago and are back for a short break. Agu ran to greet them with a huge smile on his face, though Ben took a little while to get back into the swing of seeing his old pal, but we got the boys together on the beach later and they were well away. I had a lovely chat with Lana and also Amparo who I haven't seen for a while, and the world started to come to rights.

Agu and I took the children to the Chinese restaurant (after a lot of pressure from little Agu - "Chinese, Chinese, Chinese!"). Dim sum and duck pancakes etc. and for once I didn't over order.

So things are seeming a little easier, and this song came on the radio and made me smile.

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