With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


Obviously I am in another century, because I have never heard of mandalas. Colouring books, pattterns, yes, but this is supposed to be a form of meditation. So while I was having a dizzy fit in the very Mallorquin bookshop (glass of water m'dear), Ben chose a book for his trip to England tomorrow (already at page 30, hope he doesn't finish before touchdown). Anyway, it works, because I could drink an entire pot of tea with three boys, madly involved with mandalas, whilst waiting for the fun to begin. That is, how to entertain them boys for 10 hours ...mess.... and waiting for the celebs to enter town. Guesses who are JD and GB? Their secrets are not safe with us. How much from Hola and GQ?

Oh I don't care, going to fill in some little squares with felt tip pens

And hello Mike

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