Over to Kirkcaldy this afternoon for some shopping and a run around a new park for the kids. We wandered down onto the beach in search of Ravenscraig Castle. Didn't quite make it to the Castle (which you apparently have to access through some new-build houses) but we found enough time for a quick life.turns blip. Katherine was wielding the camera and, with all the instructions to her, I managed to forget which way we're all supposed to be walking... As anyone with knowledge of this coastline might be able to spot. Hurrah for horizontal flip.
Lots of odd conversations with the kids today about war (and the waste of lives therein), ducks (what to do with male ducks), the dairy industry (and some difficulties for milk drinking vegetarians) and how you sew dresses. I learned so much. I think this home education thing is really going to teach me more than it will teach them.
Met our new GP today. Always a joy as they seem to find me fascinating: "Oh, I'm going to have to do some research on this". I think I would prefer that doctors found me boring.
Anyway, before I bore you all, I'm off.
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