Riley swimming

We couldn't decide what to do on Sunday - the weather forecast wasn't good and the restaurant we'd planned to visit at the golf course across on the mainland was fully booked. In the morning a boat came by giving out free packs of burger buns - so with hot dogs & burgers in the freezer dinner was sorted. Then the Bentleys dropped in for drinks with their two sons, girlfriends & jack russells. Riley loves to swim - he has his own lifejacket and loves snapping at the bubbles he kicks up. I've now put the videos on YouTube - see links below.

Next some other friends came by, the Thoms, followed by the Ashtons from the next cottage and their friend Rod. So we had a party of 21 for drinks and appetisers, it was fun. Much later on we had the dinner and considering we didn't go out at all it was a very sociable day!

There are 2 videos of Ripley on YouTube: Ripley jumping in the lake and Ripley swimming

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