Pictorial Allsorts

By calvininjax

Florida -- Land of Giants

Walking through the parking lot of the Burger King at Forbes and King, I spotted this sign.

Now, I know a lot of Americans are tall but taller than 8 ft 6ins?

The tallest basketball player in the NBA, Yao Ming, could pass under this barrier and fall 12 inches short, unless he was wearing his latest Jimmy Choo sandals with 4.5-inch heels. That's just filthy locker-room gossip and there isn't a grain of truth in it.

Or is there?

Perhaps the "magic" in Magic Johnson's name came from his Diana Ross impersonation rather than his basketball prowess. Not being a basketball fan, I really haven't a clue. And I never listen to gossip, as you well know.

But I digress.

A sign proclaiming watch your head! clearance 8' 6'' is a little over the top, even by American standards.

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