Family Dog

By Family_Dog

my silver lining....

After a wonderful weekend, the start to the week ended up being a bit, well, shit really and I have to say that I was a little apprehensive about waking up this morning and spending the day with Arlo. After last Wednesday's 50 minute melt down (yes, that's 50 minutes of toddler rage) I didn't think I had the full working tool box to deal with another day of toddler taming.

Fortunately, no tool box was required (not even the muzzle) - he was in a brilliant mood all day, full of laughs and songs and dances. I nearly collapsed in a fit of laughing / coughing when I realised he'd been munching on a huge, raw head of brocolli in secret. He brought it back to me and said 'here you go, Mummy' with a face full of tiny brocolli crumbs - even in his eyebrows.

Don't want to do the work / nursery thing tomorrow...

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