
By cracker

Music and Movement

Spence and I went to the 'Music and Movement' (dancing) class this morning that is usually run in the community centre. The kids sing and dance to nursery rhymes and other kids songs for an hour, then all sit down and get read a book, then have a bowl of fruit each! When we first started going Spence was really shy and wouldn't dance a lot but now he is right into it! It goes from 10am until 11.30 and by that time Spence is nearly ready for bed!

It was a cold and rainy day today so we had the fire going from when we came home after dancing. I bought Spence a 'Chuggington' DVD (a kid's train show that it much better than Thomas!) last night so he was captivated by that this afternoon!

Jim came and finished off the shelving in our cupboard downstairs so now it is completely done! He also cut up some bigger bits of wood I had into smaller pieces so they will fit into the fire, which was really nice of him!

I took today's blip this morning before dancing from the balcony outside our bedroom. It was raining but there were heaps of birds hanging around. There was a flock of what looked cockatoos in the trees and on the road in the court where we live, but they didn't have yellow crests so i'm not entirely sure they are cockies! I also saw this bird in the tree closer to the house. Not sure what type it is but it and a mate were chasing each other from tree to tree.

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