Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

primative man..........

it really is like watching a monkey use tools for the first time.
say hello to my dad who is celebrating his 57th birthday today. actually "celebrating" would be taking it too far. he isn't one for making a fuss out of these kind of things. he is actually sending a text in this pic and although he is quite adept at it these days, i still find the faces he makes while doing it highly amusing. honestly if he had tried to eat it at this point i would not have been suprised....i really shouldn't be so cruel on his b'day, in fact shortly after i took this shot he jumped into a tree and swung off into the night.

this is not how i planned my blips to go for the last couple of days. as i knewi would be back home i had worked out exactly the pics i wanted to take and there would be no deviations from the plan..............bollocks.........nothing could be further from the truth.

i am also happy and stressed after the house hunting today......it's starting to look like uphall or broxburn are the front runners, although mrs McD informs me that we could move to dudley gardens or over morningside..........(this is the stress) too many choices. can't decide if moving out of city life is the way to go but we can get so much more for our money if we do. saw one i would move to tomorrow if i could, just want it all to be over now. moving house is a pain in the arse anyway but having to move from london back home AND find a new job/school for the bairn it's just,...i mean,...........lets just say moving into a cave in the hills somewhere seems so simple......hunt food, kill food, eat food, sleep.
still i'm sure it will be worth all the aggrivation in the end. back to london tomorrow and i can feel that blackness descending even as i type this.
never mind TGIF for all you who have been working this week, enjoy the weekend is almost here.

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