From the North

By Tawastian

Welcome to the 6th Finnjamboree Kilke!

So we finally left to Evo, Hämeenlinna. Our journey started at 6.30 a.m. and ended at 11.30 a.m. 'cause we needed to catch some other scout troops to the same bus.

After we had arrived, we first needed to unpack our troop's container and start to build our camp place by pitching the half-platoon tents. We use half-platoon tents because they're big enough for our use. We had three of them; one for boys, one for girls and one for equipments. After the tent pitching, we started to build some roundpole fence to mark our area at the camp. We also build some other handy things and a gate for our camp unit Saviseutu which consists of two units.

This blip is about the gate plaque which leads to the camp.

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