
I spent the day in Richmond getting work done at a funky cafe.

In the evening I met Mike at his place nearby drinking beers and catching up on a lot before Kristen arrived home. We invited her out but she insisted we head out without her for our "boys night" as she called it.

We opted for sushi at a funky hipster sort of place called Sticky Rice down on main street. The place is always buzzing with young artsy people living in the fan and students from VCU. It was no different tonight, though I haven't been here for years. We even ran into my old friend Erin from college. Turns out he was one of the sushi chefs, coming over to catch up in between orders. I haven't seem him since college but it turns out he is finishing his masters in Environmental Studies at VCU and working the part time bar scene on the side like so many do. It was good running into him and sounds like he is on a good path.

Of course he sent over a few plates on the house. It was an epic sushi feast!

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