
By willcarroll


Having taken a break from the coaching (yesterday), Robbie has his hands on the walls. I love the way that light falls on the many-faceted competition wall at Ratho. It gives the impression that you are navigating through unknown terrain, even when it is familiar territory.

Life is full of routine, but each time I come back to the same task a second time, I try to look at it in a new light: As if I'd never done it before. I try to look at it with different eyes. Maybe it's just because I get bored easily. But I think it is why I like Blipping so much. A lot of what I see here, I see in my every day life. But seeing other people post their images and reading what they see, gives me different eyes on the world.

It's my aim that some of what I post here occasionally helps others to navigate through the same old territory of life in a new way.

(Incidentally, this is one shot of a few I took today, getting in some more practice before the World Youth Climbing Championships arrive at Ratho in September. The rest are here. Not the best angles, but folk were doing their best to look good :D )

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