Family Dog

By Family_Dog


What a day.

Completely and utterly different to how today was supposed to go - I was supposed to be heading up to Perth to catch up with friends and family, without my boys and ended up spending a day with my boys and wee Eve and all of Bry's family in Edinburgh instead!

Eve's mummy was otherwise engaged having a little baby girl today (from home, nae drugs - my friend is I.N.C.R.E.D.I.B.L.E - congratulations to you all) so we had the pleasure of Eve's company. Bry & Arlo had plans to spend the day with the Edinburgh family so it was a happy twist that I was able to go too, and we took Eve along to play with Bry's wee cousins Holly and Ben.

It never ceases to amaze me how adaptable children are - I was worried Eve would be shy and would have a difficult time, but she really enjoyed herself - after an initial shy episode she just got stuck in with Holly, Ben and Arlo and as a result it was all so relaxed that we had a great time.

The very best part of today was taking Eve home to meet her little sister - and having the utter joy of meeting our new little friend - at only 4 hours old.

4 hours old! The mind boggles.

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