sandy sunshine sunday

When I woke up this morning I knew that what I wanted more than anything was a sunshiney day on the beach with the boy and some good friends.

And guess what happened? We had a sunshiney day on the beach with some good friends that's what!

It was a lovely day of catching up with friends and laughing at the moments of pure comedy gold provided by the weans. The children are all getting so big - the ones that were the little ones are now the middlin ones and the bigger ones are so bloody alarmingly talented and capable and the wee ones are just so wee you can hardly believe they're going to be getting buried up to their heads in sand (at their request, I hasten to add) or munching on great fistfuls of the stuff like wee Elsie was doing. But you know that almost in the blink of an eye they will be right there with the rest of them, fighting over someone's flip flop and nicking everybody's grapes.

Home now for a bit of Twin Peaks and a whole lotta sleeping.

Sundays. Always have been, always will be my FAVOURITE day of the week.

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