100 BLIPS IN 100 DAYS!
I almost can't believe that I've made it! Woo hoo!!!
First of all, thanks to everyone at Blip, especially my subscribers and those behind the scenes - you're all fantastic and many thanks for all the constructive - and sometimes controversial - comments. I appreciate all of them. I am also grateful to those who have answered questions and helped me in so many ways - my family, friends and colleagues, who are now used to me asking for assistance, and/or taking photos of their meals...
I'm very much looking forward to the next 100 (whatever/whenever/whoever). Maybe me and my blip twin can come up with something special for our 200th..?!
My journal thus far has been a pictorial love letter to my home town and one of my favourite places in the world - so it seemed apt to celebrate this milestone with some appropriate shots of London addresses.
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