
By AnnelieHberg

What is in the head of a soon 17 year old? It was what I asked myself today when I took this photo. I didn't ask him, out of respect somehow.

He is going thru major changes in his life. He is starting a new school program in a few days, he didn't like the first one he chose. He has been working all summer and now he is pretty tired. This is the third summer he work (and every other weekend all year around).

We been a little bit "off connected" the past few weeks but i guess that is as it should be in this age, even though my mother heart aching each time it happens. Never mind, I adore him, my first born child.

Maximilian has migraine, Tommy has migraine, Eve is tired, Oliver as well and I am totally exhausted. I so much want to sit down and look around andbreath in all the lovely photos and words in this wonderful blip-land but i am way too tired. I need to call it a night and have one early evening.

And thank you, all of you lovely people out there, for your words and support. It means so much to me.

In truth


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