This time for Africa....

By abbiSA

The winter flu season in Africa?

The journey through Blip begins. Although somewhat negative I found this to be an appropriate first entry. In Stellenbosch it is currently the worst of the flu season and I am experiencing the blunt of it. After going to the health clinic today I was prescribed everything under the sun, and told to stick to a cereal diet for now, hence the Milo and Special K (my go to comfort foods). The water is because we can no longer drink the water here as it is brown in color for a reason that is yet to be determined. The nurse told me not to be alarmed, and that I would be better soon, most of this was caused by the neighboring vineyards spraying bacteria and chemicals on their dormant grapes.....who would have thought?!?! Perhaps the most shocking part was receiving Predrisone a steroid when I went in for a sinus infection.
Although it might look negative this photo is comforting to me in the sense that my health is on the upswing, and if vineyards spraying bacteria can't stop me, nothing can!

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