
By delicatoamoreee

Apia, Day 1 (Samoan time - Monday 2nd August)

First day in Samoa!
Today a few of us woke up at 6am to catch a beautiful sunrise. It was magical. A group continued on to explore a bit of Apia, but I went back to the hotel named 'Pasefika Inn'. It was a very pretty place to stay.
Once everyone came back, we went for a morning dip in the hotel's pool. Caleb has an underwater camera, so we had a great time snapping different shots :)

After breakfast, we all walked down to Apia wharf to sort out our shipping container full of school equipment. Sadly getting our container cleared and unpacked proved to be a little difficult, so while we waited a group of us walked up the road to a lovely little beach to have a splash around. This is where I got this blip, of me and Caleb :)

After getting back to the wharf, we discovered that we still couldn't unpack our container, as they would only let 5 people in to unpack inculding a driver. So many of us went back to the hotel to relax, while the boys waited at the wharf for pretty much the rest of the day. By 5pm when we got clearance it was the end of the working day so we would have to come back the next day. We were all feeling a bit stressed at this point beacuse it really pushed us for time (we were catching the ferry and going to Iva the next day.)

Still, we tried to relax. We went out for dinner to a place Braden's (our teacher) friend owned. It was lovely food, and everyone had a lovely time chatting.
Once back at the hotel, we stayed up for a little longer then all went to be at around 10.


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