Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Day #2

We left home yesterday morning and we've already seen a kazillion bucks worth of amazing geography. I'd like to say that I'm incorporating great restraint and have not created a collage of photos tonight, but actually, I'm just so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open. I couldn't begin to create a collage right now.

We custom designed this day and we knew much of it would be in the car. We took a journey that could have been accomplished in about 2 hours and stretched it into 6 or so hours by stopping everywhere we wanted to and I do mean everywhere. We love the Big Sur Coast of California and we get to see it seldom, so we wanted to take enjoy it in little bite size morsels. Here's where we've been today:

Started in San Simeon
Breakfast at Ragged Point (more than beautiful, not to mention delicious)
Gorda, or for the Hippy Generation -- Sorta Gorda
New Camaldoli Hermitage -- at the very top elevation and off the beaten path (they have a terrific book/gift store)
Lucia -- right on the continent's edge (spectacular view looking south at the coastline)
Ventana Resort -- recommended for chips & salsa & beverages by 2 separate friends -- so we had to stop there, not to mention we wanted to
Carmel -- An immediate exit of Highway #1 to hug the H2O and to stop at the former home of Poet Robinson Jeffers
17 Mile Scenic Drive -- Simply 17 miles of the nicest views in all the world
Monterey -- dinner at Cannery Row

We also have seen elephant seals (in San Simeon), California sea lions on the 17 mile scenic drive, and during dinner I could watched sea otters playing in the kelp. They probably weren't playing, but fishing for their dinner or possibly tethering their babies with sea weed so they could leave them to go fish. We've also saw lots of birds, cows, and cattle.

Today's photo (above) captures the land and the sea, the highway and the clouds. This day couldn't have been better. Well, I guess it could have, but I'm not sure how. I wish you could see all 147 photos I captured. Actually, I wish you could have traveled it with us. Thanks for looking.

Good night from Monterey.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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