Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol


As I walked outside this evening, Mr. Fun said, "Look at the sky."

And I did. Had there been more clouds, the colors would have been stunning and I'm guessing that in our front yard the sunset was even better. I was, however, in the back yard in my swimsuit planning to get into the bubbling warm water of the spa. The front yard wasn't in my plans. I could see over the fence that the sky in that direction was lovely.

Then I noticed the reflection. Almost three years ago I started "blipping" (January 5, 2009). Since then I have learned to see -- I used to look, but now I see images I never used to noticed. I love reflections and silhouettes and an image caught inside an image like this one.

So thanks "Blipfoto" for teaching me to see and someday I'll get an expensive camera and attend a photography class and then the images I post here will truly reflect what I have seen.

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Just for the record: This morning early we were at the Apple store again. I went to purchase a new laptop for me, Mr. Fun bought his new Mac last fall. Now it has been several months since we've been to the Apple store (we've stayed home lots more since having the three pooches). Anyway, I can't decide whether I want a MacBook Pro or a MacBook Air. Actually, I know that I want an Air, but when I talk to the folks at the store, they can't seem to give a definite "This would be better than this" statement. I realize they can't make an absolute decision for a customer. I want something light-weight. Mr. Fun can hardly believe that I would purchase a laptop that doesn't have a disk drive. I hardly use a disk drive. So I am confused. So now I plan to visit the store a little more often, ask a few more questions as I think of them, and hopefully real soon, to make the purchase. I am frustrated that the college has no budget to purchase computers for instructors. My college laptop is 5 1/2 years old . . . it's a boat anchor. It is, though, better than nothing.
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Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. We made our exit from the spa so late that I am uploading this about 12 hours later.

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