
Teeth brushed and flossed last night and first thing this morning with no breakfast can only mean one thing, a visit to the dentist.

My lovely young lady dentist is always intent on finding a morsel of last week's dinner hiding in some remote crevice between my teeth, hence my vigilant application of the toothbrush and the floss. I'm afraid it was 1-0 to her this time.

My teeth are so companionable that I sometimes fear I may have to go to A&E to have the flossing thread cut out from between them.
However £14.26 and 15 minutes later I was a free woman and out for a brunch of salad as 'Le Regime' kicks in.

With all the stress of packing, I'm tired and hardly in blipping mode and was not relishing the thought of a walk around town to get something for the lens, when thunder shook the house and the rains came and I had an excuse not to venture out.

Instead I've blipped 4 boxes of art books which I packed yesterday and which are now sitting in the middle of the room for people to fall over. They are going into store until we have some bookcases assembled in the Dower House, although they are so heavy I'm not sure how we are going to get them there. His Lordship says he will provide.

Sometimes I think that the new House will resemble a large library filled with books we only sometimes look at but which we are loathe to relinquish, just in case......

PS.Is there an easy way to fold the bottoms of these boxes into the alternate over/under flap fastening? If so would someone tell me about it because I come to the last 'under' and practically render the flap useless.

PPS Things are looking up..... David77, Daughter #1, Son -in-law #1, Grandaughter, Magpie and I are going to the Tail End for fish suppers..... Le Regime will take a knock tonight!

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