Radio Visit

In Aberdeen, there are 2 local radio stations, the one we listen to is Original FM. No real reason other than I like the DJ's better, and think the music selection is more varied/less repetitive. In the daytime when we're in the house, I often have the radio on while playing with the kids, so they know all their names. For ages Kory has been asking questions about how radio works, if its real people talking and when a certain newsreader comes on he jumps around saying "It's Jenny!"

So a while ago I contacted Martin Ingram (who I speak to on Twitter) & arranged for us to go in for a visit when he was on air. Kory has been asking constantly since then and today was the day. He got to see the studio, had a tour, saw the equipment, meet Jenny and then even got to press some buttons to make an advert and a song go on, got a mention and to say hi on air. But most of all now he gets what radio is and how it gets to our living room!

To say he enjoyed himself is an understatement. He's been as high as a kite all day today. Big thanks to Original FM staff for being lovely while we were in, but most of all to Martin for having us in.

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