Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

Chilling with Gran

We had a busy time at Toddlers this morning, then had lunch with a friend and her wee girl. She goes back to work on Monday after maternity leave, and I start back in 3 weeks. This past year has flown by.

Kerr and I went to see my mum and dad this afternoon. I tried my best to get a photo of mum and Kerr where they were both looking at the camera - this was the best one! Kerr looks confused because I was singing silly songs and pulling faces in an attempt to make him smile!

Kerr learned a new word today - 'up'. It's not a very long word, but he definitely says it after I say it when I pick him up. Yay!
His repertoire of 'words' is now: Mama, Mum, Dad, Dada, Udge (as in Fudge), up, and he tries to say Grandad and oops.

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