
By AnnelieHberg

Crazy day.

This is Liam, the son of my lovely neighbour and friend Camilla.

This is one of the 5 shot I took today before my battery died. I have no clue where the charger is in the messy little house of mine.

Crazy day. Been moving around furniture and cleaning all day long and i am not finished yet.

Maximilian and Liam laughed and laughed and i had to see what they did and took my cam with me. Maxi was wearing a huge plastic bag and Liam had a green hat. I couldn't resist this photo even if the hat had fallen off and Maxi is now SO jealous he isn't in the blip tonight.

Well, back to work!

Edit: I have now time to upload this on FACEBOOK, Maxis album. He did NOT like me putting ONLY Liam in this blip, but i LOVE this photo..!

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