Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns

Baby and a party

We drove inland to my girlfriend's house to meet her new baby girl today. She's the baby I knitted the hat for when we traveled to Fiji last month. I brought the boys with me, and they played with the other two little ones in the house. We had lunch, hung out and took a few photos. I can't wait to process little baby L's photos.

After visiting, we headed further inland to visit my mom and attend a going away party for my friend/sister. There were lots of people close to my mom that I hadn't met before, so it was nice to put faces to names.

It's a long drive, and we've just now managed to get home (almost 10pm). The boys are now up in their beds sleeping.

This shot is of my friend's other daughter F. She's quite the character and was so excited to have her photo taken. I just loved how the natural light was hitting her face in this.

Here's to a day of rest tomorrow........

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