Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie

I has Pigtails...

Mummy managed to get my hair into pigtails,
daddy calls them my devils horns,
Apparently dressed like this I look like a proper little girl,
All dressed up, no were to go,
I woke mummy and daddy at 230am, then every 15 mins till 545am,
when they finally gave in and got up,
They not to impressed with that...
but I'm not to impressed with my new look,
so fairs fair!!
Mummy did an alternative blip to,
blip option 2

she would like to thank everyone for the comments on
yesterdays 200th, she will write more about that tomorrow,
as its nap time for us all now!
(but she won't be letting soppy daddy loose on blip again!!)

hope you all have a fab sunday xxxx

(PS if we lose mummy its coz she is busy sorting through this er tiny little lot! just a few piccies!)

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