
By jphotos

Day 2

Round the island

It was lets say eventful..

Few rather choppy patches.. especially 'The Needles'*, when I looked behind me, the waves were bigger than the boat, with the wind directly behind us and the tide agaisnt us we were getting no where, these conditions also mean the boat rocks violently from side to side with each wave. Suddenly I say to my dad, 'Dad that bouy is getting closer I think it's come adrift', Panic set in and we put the engine into full power as the sails alone weren't getting us far enough way, infact the bouy wasn't detached, we were going backwards :|

This is the sunset from Yarmouth Harbour on the West side of the island, boy weren't we glad to be back on dry land after a very stressful day,

Day 3 is the trip back to Dell Quay, Chichester :)

*The Needles are famous rocks on the isle of wight, due to coastal erosion the chalky rock has been eroded and now stand rocks that have been seperated from the rest of the island.

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