Planko's Pics

By planko

Busy busy bee

Turned out to be a nice day, so after dropping Mrs P off at work we headed to the Camera shop, but as usual none of what i was after was in stock.

Shop prices were actually more expensive than online so i know where I'm taking my custom...

Then went on a walk around the Howff cemetery in Dundee city center, then the docks, and law hill with Pesky Princess and #1 Son.

Had a really good time, and took plenty of shots but when i got back home i noticed a black splodge on a lot of the pics. Checked and cleaned the lenses & filters but still could see the splodge, so after some fiddling with the menu options and putting the sensor cleaning to manual i found the culprit. So guess its off to Camera shop again tomorrow (might try an independent in Perth this time) to get a sensor cleaning kit.

Ive a long list of jobs to do today, hence the busy busy bee title, and this pic that managed to escape the smudge seemed appropriate


Update: Tip for getting rid of large bits of dust on sensor without spending money: Use a Dyson vacuum cleaner! I turned the camera on, retracted mirror to expose sensor, then turned the Dyson on and carefully moved the camera just above the handle (so as not to touch) which has a bit in it for sucking up little items...did the trick nicely as the suction was far enough away and gentle enough to get the dust. Guess ive just lived up to that stereotype about Scots being tight with money ;)

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