Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra

Dubai Day 2

From yesterday's photography experience, I was quite under the weather but today we had an awesome day, both in terms of tourism as well as photography.

After having breakfast, we headed out of the hotel on foot. It was extremely hot and humid and after a few minutes all of us started to feel out of breath. As it is Ramzaan, we could not drink, which made our walk even harder. Our hotel is on the creek side so, we decided to go to the other side of the creek via the Abara. An Abara is a kind of a small water taxi made of wood. It is a typical boat used to take people from one side of the creek to the other.

We reached the other side and immediately saw beautiful old Arab buildings and shops full of textiles and shoes mainly from India and Pakistan. We took a couple of pictures. Some came out extremely good but the downside is that I cannot upload them on flickr. Reason!! ... Flickr is blocked in Dubai ... lol!!

After 10 minutes of walking we reached the Dubai Museum. This huge boat is outside the Dubai Museum and I really liked this image, because of which I am putting it up as my blip. Today I have many good images and I was finding hard to pick one, but this is the one I am selecting. When I go back home, I will make albums and share.

After the museum we strolled around in the market place for a while. This particular market place in the old part of Dubai and has a mix of old and new shops. Well, it is a well known fact that Dubai is full of South Asians i.e. Pakistani's, Indian's, Bangladeshi's etc. Its amazing that almost every one understands (if not speaks) Urdu. Although all of us converse well in English, we really don't have to as everyone speaks Urdu here.

The next stop was the Bastakia Quarters. It is a Cultural Heritage House where the customs of UAE are nicely displayed. We were just in time to view only a few things as they were closing down in the afternoon.

This was about 2:00 pm and at this time all of were exhausted and we took a taxi and came back to our hotel room. Had lunch and rested for a while. We spent the evening at the Citi Centre which is a very famous mall here. Just came back a while ago and are dead tired :) Heading to bed.

Tomorrows agenda: the gold and spice (Irani) souks. If we get get free soon, we might go for an Abara tour again ...

All of this might not sound as exciting, but it really was fun. I hope I haven't bored anyone ... Signing off ...

p.s. this image is a little bit skewed. I will correct it in the morning!!

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