
By Instography

Todd Various

It felt like the day after the party this morning. Thanks for the very nice comments on my 200th yesterday and welcome to the new subscribers. Cheers.

Today I was a wee bit concerned about the follow up seeing as I had to go straight into work early to finish a tender that was due in today. Still, got it in and a late lunch meant that I came across Todd doing his act on Castle Street.

Very clever - the first performer I've seen with the sense to get off of the Mound and the High Street and build up a crowd somewhere else. And he seemed to do very well indeed. Well, he got me stopped and hanging around for half an hour with his mix of street magic and comedy. The comedy was a great cover for the magic - drawing in the crowd with a mix of jokes for kids and jokes that you'd hope went right over their heads. Great jokes played on passers by too. And, the bit that loads of street performers are pretty poor at, he has a great pitch for money at the end. And happy to pose for a photo. I won't give away any of it but if you see him, stop.

I gave him a card so I hope he comes by and sees this. His website needs a new photo - he looks like a poor man's Derren Brown on it. He can have this one on me.

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