Current Affairs

Very quiet up the hill this morning the early haar clinging to the hills and no wind. Juno ran about and met up with Baxter.

Work was delayed as I put the gooseberry jam away and made my pack lunch.

Work was good, got loads done. Notched another variety of tea today, not one I will revisit in a hurry, too strong.

Was due to go on a football coaching course tonight, but got a tearful call from Eco mum. Juno had knocked her over on the hill and she was in agony. Got home as quick as I could, she was on the NHS 24 line, better come up to just get a quick check over.

So it was up to the free Fringe show of A & E, some baddies, some goodies and some sad sights, comedians everywhere. We were eventually taken and Eco mum has briused ribs and elbow.

Home for a hot bath and help as she is finding it sore doing even the simplest task.

This is the red currant jelly making stage 1.

Ment to be on a sea kayaking course tomorrow, have to wait and see.

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