My Face

Mum and Dad have noticed that my face is changing shape gradually. Every now and then there is a photo of me that they think looks distinctly different. I wonder what I'll look like as a ten year old, or even when I'm twenty one!

My hair is definitely starting to look darker though. Mum and Dad expected me to have dark hair when I was born, like Mum. Nan has the same hair as Mum but mine is much lighter. So it was fitting that they called me Orla - which means 'Golden Princess'.

I'm at that age now when I can communicate what I want but don't yet fully understand about asking 'nicely'. But here's a video of me (eventually) asking nicely (for once!).

Mum is in London tonight, after being away in Thurso for a couple of nights last week. I spoke to her on Dad's iPhone and told her that I went to a swing park today with Papa & Nan.

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