All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The calm after the storm

Today Ethan & I had arranged to meet a girl from my antenatal class and go to a local mother and baby group together. Although we've bumped into each other several times and went to the same baby massage group, it's the first time we've actually arranged to meet. However, when I got there, she was waiting outside looking very sheepish. Turns out the group is closed for the holidays and doesn't start again till next week! Oops!

So instead we went to Tumblezone and let our babies roll around in the soft play area there.

After nipping home for lunch, Ethan & I drove to Bathgate to do a big shop at Tescos. I still tend to use the trollies which you can put the car seat on top of but couldn't find any today. I asked at customer services who checked, then came back and said they only have 2 for the whole store and they were both in use. Grrrrr. Ethan was sound asleep so I wasn't chuffed at having to put him in a trolley with a baby seat as of course this woke him up. He then proceeded to scream on and off during our time in the store. He cheered up immensely when we came out the store into the car park though. You'd never tell that only a few minutes before this photo was taken he was bawling his eyes out, with tears rolling down his cheeks!

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