Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Time for bed

Still learning with the new camera. I know this is a bit dark and the colours are wrong but I just love Peggy's expression on this pic. This is her 'time for bed' look and the reason the Pegster loves bed time, is because she gets one of her toothy chews (which aren't chewed but swallowed whole). After 'the look' , if we don't obey, comes the jumping up on her hind legs and gnashing her teeth , and then the whining.

Busy day. Hopefully the last sarcoid treatment for Lime so he can go back to his friends at the weekend. Jack also had his yearly vaccinations and a check up. His 'Summer Pasture Associated Recurrent Airway Obstruction' (basically horsey asthma) is quite bad at the moment - puzzling as it is not summer, though they are harvesting corn at the top of his field. The vet suggested I get some better ventilation in his stable - sure the owner is going to be impressed if I knock a few holes in the walls. Hey-ho - yet another horsey related thing for me to worry about. I also found out tonight he has a small cataract, but it is not big enough to be overly concerned about. I felt quite despondent after talking to the Vet as I thought I had got his RAO under control, as it is much better than it was about 10 years ago when another vet told me he had damaged lungs and prob wouldn't live much longer. But this vet seems to think I could be doing more. All very well if I could spend all day everyday at the yard and forget about work!

Was v good and went to the Gym tonight - first time in months. Only 8 weeks till the BIG TRIP so gotta get myself a bit fitter. Well, a lot fitter actually.

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