Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

The Rams

I don't do football and this is a cr@p photo but is the only one I took today. We had a recruitment event going on at the Derby ground and I volunteered for a couple of hours so I took this shot out of the window as you could not go outside. I'd like to see the stadium full and soak up the atmosphere but it is doubtful I ever will because I hate football. As my Dad would say - can't see the point in 'kicking a bit of a ball around'. I don't know how he came to see it as only a 'bit'of a ball and not a whole ball, which it clearly is, but then my Dad practically has his own language, with such phrases as 'warm as a wasp' (pronounced Waasp, not wosp), 'Quit yer mitherin, yer mitherin like an est-a-ratz', or one variation with the same meaning 'quit yer wereting'. I had an ex-boyfriend who used to hide from Dad when he came to the house because he couldn't understand what he was saying!

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