catch me i'm falling

By makeupyourmind


very mixed day today. it's my 100th blip! i'm happy and pleasantly surprised that i've blipped this much :) it means that i'm passionate about it!

for today, i had a big and fun bliptrip planned with the very beautiful and talented rachel, tiffany and alice! But something incredibly unfortunate got in the way.

I first picked up tiffany and then we drove to get one of our models. We were sitting at a traffic light at a very busy intersection. The light turned green and i proceeded to go straight in my lane. the car next to me attempted to make an illegal right turn and ended up banging the top left corner of my car! It was quite awful since i didnt catch the make or model of the car and by the time we circled back to look if the driver was there, they were gone! unfortunate :( i had to file a police report instead of going to take photos! not a good blip birthday at all! this is the second time this has happened :( if you remember what happened earlier this summer.

instead of being negative and taking a shot of the carnage, i decided to look forward to the future! tomorrow my classmates and i planned to have our final pickup soccer match. we had them during the world cup and had a TON of fun. since most of us go off to college next week or the week after that (yikes!) we decided to have one last HOORAH! this shot is of my new VUVUZELA :D and the 06 ball replica and the 2010 jabulani ball replica!
psst! it spells out "100"! :) better to be optimistic, right!

hopefully my next blipbirthday will be better :)
as my favorite character, kenneth, from 30 Rock would say
"everything always works out for the best"

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