
We went to Busot today, where there is a huge cave open to tourists. It is a guided tour, 29 steps down, 140 back up. The cavern is massive, with the most amazing stalagtites and stalagmites. Photography isn't allowed in there (in fct, it is forbidden) but naughty girl stayed at the back of the group as we were walking back up and when the guide was right at the top and out of sight, I took this. To be honest, I probably wouldn't have been very successful with other shots in there as the ambient light was very low - I only managed this on 3200ISO and stood right next to the light that was shining on the formation.

The only cave I have been in that was anywhere near the size of this was Lancaster Pot/Hole - back in the days when I occasionally went potholing/caving with a boyfriend at the time - we had to abseil in (I think about 100ft) and to get out we had to come back up the rope - prussicking back up - with feet in loops and hands attached to a device that allowed movement up the rope but not down. Muggins got her hair caught in it and had to rip it out. That hurt.

The views from outside were spectacular - in one of the shots you can see three little people sat at the bottom - that's mum, Roy and James. There was also a peculiar hole in the top of the mountain - wondering how it got there.

Lovely trip out. Corin has just started stripping back a neighbour's outside wall, ready to bond it and then repaint it. I helped for a bit but to be honest, I am not made for manual work!

Right, off out for a meal - just the two of us - which is a rare treat. You notice it wasn't dubbed 'romantic' because the likelihood is it will turn into the two of us being silly and people watching.

Can't believe I hit 800 blips yesterday - not a milestone as such, it just always tickles me when another 100 passes.

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