Poor Wayne

James has, in his usual manner, managed to charm a number of the people on the community. Wayne, in particular, is very taken with him, astounded at James conversational skills, maturity and infectious giggle. It was decided yesterday that James will be the Prime Minister at some point - look forward to a world where broadband is free and playing computer games becomes a part of the school curriculum.

James was in the middle pool with Wayne messing around, when Wayne flippantly said "Lets do 64 lengths" thinking James would dismiss that idea. Unfortunately, for Wayne, James said "Yeah, great - come on then".

They did it. I joined in for the last 24. Wayne and I got a little competitive for a couple of laps. Soon stopped though.

Lovely afternoon and subsequently a lovely evening, eating out at Mulberrys. Gorgeous food. Inexpensive too. Will miss it when we come home.

Corin spent all day painting one of the neighbours boundary walls. Busy busy.

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