Family of three.

By livingbythesea

Beautiful boy.

Today we had a very loud start to our day as I was looking after the two little boys from the other side of the road from 7.30am for a few hours. This caused much excitement for Jack and Erin and when Josh and Jacob turned up that excitement was doubled. They were all very well behaved though it was just loud!! Took them all over to toddlers and they had a lovely time, saw the local papers whilst there and there is a huge photo of us doing the carnival in one and Erin with the town crier and painting at the summer club in another. Someone said the paper should be renamed "Erin news" this week.
This afternoon was quieter and the on off rain kept us indoors for most of it, but Jack and Erin had a great time turning over the coffee table and using it as their tram. I love their imagination.
This picture was a rare moment of Jack sitting still, I was torn between this picture and another but as Darren pointed out it was best to go with this one as the moment may never come that he is sat still again.

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