Found Object

Panic is beginning to set in as we realisie that although much has been boxed, it's the little bits and pieces that have to be thought about and to decide whether to keep them or give them to the charity shop, who are almost on first name terms with us.

This morning we decanted some of my home grown paintings that my artistic children would never want to see graciing their walls to the said shop and was amazed that they wanted to know the artist's name and if she were local.
I have a feeling that it was the framing that tipped the balance.

This afternoon has been one of signing legal documents brought by courier on a bike from our lawyer. It did seem quite a casual way to convey papers, which when signed, committed us to a horrendous amount of expenditure, down sizing or not.
There were endless signatures required which had to be witnessed by the courier, a nice lad, but with the most amazing dreadlocks that made you want to give them a good scratch.

So the legal documents for the sale of the castle and the buying of the Dower House are now hopefully in order and all that remains is for us to stump up an enormous number of shekels and get the new keys. This is scheduled for next week.
Meanwhile we continue to box and bag. This is like having fun, only a bit different.

Since I wasn't out and about today, I have blipped a piece of wooden jewellery inlaid with enamel made by daughter #1 at art college. It will not go to the charity shop.

For the coterie of flab busters my percentage today is 98.7%.
This seems to bear no relation to all the denials on my part: wine, cheese, chocolate (well, excluding one wee twirl), cakes, biscuits and kettle crisps, leaving me with very little pleasure.
It is indeed a hard life.

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