Egg Collector

Wonderful morning stroll, Juno had dog pals and I got a chat.

Kids back at school, eco daughter's first day at the big school.

Work was a case of just getting on with it.

Home at a reasonable hour.

Popped into her Ladyship to get some garden tools, thank you so much.

Then over to the allotment picking up Stewart Bremner. A wee guided tour, some tomatoes consumed and then onto the task of the day.

Decided to dig up tatties and clear a plot, SB and I fought nettles and brambles to get to the bounty. A nice evening finished with a cup of tea and a chat, Assum Tippy, I nice brew.

Listened to the egg collectors on Radio 4, fascinating stuff with a tinge of sadness.

This is exciting, after the joy of purple flowers I have an aubergine.

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