
Eco mum still sore so no work for her. Took Juno for a longer walk this morning, met the usual walkers. Had a great view of the buzzard getting harassed by the jackdaws, soaring majestically out of the way of the fighter pilots.

Work was good, fixing all the defects from the last release of software, should be fixed tomorrow.

Popped out to Thomson's to meet up with the Scobes chap and his wee pie and pint meet. I am supporting Eco mum on her healthy eating plan so had to resist a pie for my flask of soup back at my desk. Good chat and nice to see some new faces.

Football coaching tonight, a great session Neil, thanks for leading it. We had a new girl tonight and the girls made her welcome and she seemed to enjoy the drills.

Making red currant jelly tonight. This cloud just leapt out at me when I looked out the backdoor.

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