Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns

My dad

This is my dad relaxing in his garden this morning. I took my boys out for a visit. My dad lives a good drive away from our home, so we don't visit as often as I'd like to. The boys absolutely love it out there, as his home is nestled deep in the woods.

It was a mellow morning picking strawberries, blueberries and even some small tomatoes. The boys were covered in all things juicy (even a little watermelon) and enjoyed my step-mom's yummy blackberry/raspberry muffins.

I just wandered around with my camera snapping shots of all sorts of beautiful things. There's no shortage of beauty out there. The Swallowtail butterflies were really stunning today, and I managed several shots worth keeping.

I love my dad, and he means the world to my little boys. Many times I hear them pretending to be him while playing with their cars on their pretend farm. Their eyes light up whenever they know he is on his way and bombard him the minute he walks through the door.

He is also one of the few who actually reads this darn journal. Thanks dad. It was great to hang out with you today. :)

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