Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns

Ladybugs, butterflies and grasshoppers

Our yard hasn't been mowed for more than a month, so it is quite the jungle right now. I managed a quick mow on the front yard but got too pooped out for the back. I left the lawn mower in the middle of the backyard hoping to drop a hint for my husband. ;)

The boys were finding all sorts of bugs in the tall weeds while I was cleaning up the yard and mowing. They caught a ladybug and played with her for a bit. They love how it tickles their little arms. I managed to catch a giant grasshopper for them to investigate until it wiggled free and flew off. We chased a black butterfly for a little while and then interrupted 2 dragonflies getting to know each other. I even managed a quick snap of that one.

I'm feeling really, really lazy today and would love a nap. There is laundry to be done though and dinner to be made.

Great weekend to all!!

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