My UCI Update Journal

By maxicute

Lotsa Paper

Today was the Study Abroad fair where a bunch of different study abroad programs come to UCI to talk about their different programs. It included a lot of dainty white umbrellas for shade and raffles for 500 study abroad tokens! Whatever those are. Me, Maryann, and Alice walked around collecting a bunch of brochures and free pens! My parents are probably like: "Good luck, yeah right." =P hee hee. But it was fun.

I picked up brochures for France, the UK, Ireland, and Australia. I also picked one up for Japan, but I don't really want to go to Japan except to go to Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea.

So yeah, Natasha's probably thinking: "THAT IS A LOT OF DEAD TREES!" Sorry, I promise I will recycle.

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