life is a wheel

By thebhoyfi

something fishy

Now I know it's not the best picture I've ever taken. Thing is though it was taken during a lovely afternoon out with Suzo (avoiding Easter Road today) at Port Seton's lovely little harbour. Port Seton is on the Firth of Forth on the East coast of Scotland about 6 miles from Edinburgh, it is not any of the places on these boxes. They come from at least 3 different countries and one is even from my home town of Howth in County Dublin,it's the blue one fourth from top, hence my blip. OK so I'm 35 and I got overly excited by a fishbox with my hometown on but to me it's like a car with the stickers of all their travels or fridge magnets of holidays they've had. Fishbox memories of trips or boats arriving I don't know but I liked it so it's here. Went to Yellowcraigs beach after and got some lovely pictures it was a beautiful day today and the light on the east coast is really good on days like today and the sky just seems to go on forever. Boo to Cork by the way.

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